News Flash

Leading through Education for Excellent Patient Care (LEEP)

The LEEP course is a NEW interactive Leadership course that has been developed by HEE London. It will be delivered in local NHS Trusts, Primary Care and HEE London, is suitable for all NHS staff and is complimentary to leadership training in organisations.

The course is delivered over 4 webinars and participants will learn through sharing their experiences and understanding of concepts in discussions and gain practical experience of positive change with a quality improvement project.

New PSU E-Learning, Support and Self-Review Modules

New PSU E-Learning, Support and Self-Review Modules

The Professional Support Unit (PSU) are pleased to launch a range of E-Learning, Support and Self-Review Modules. The modules seek to address some of the challenges associated with everyday clinical and professional practice, such as relationships with colleagues, stressors, and conflict in the workplace.

News Flash